Summer is generally a pretty busy time of year for our patients. You may be planning your week around your kids’ sports schedules. You might be looking forward to some vacations with family or friends. And you may want to just take advantage of the longer daylight hours.
No matter what your plans are, we hope you have plenty of reasons to smile during the months ahead. Eat the foods you love. Play games, and post pictures on social media to share your happiness.
That also reminds of three great reasons you should take advantage of our family dentistry. Call 281-367-5900 now if you haven’t already scheduled a visit to Smiles by Dr. Chai in The Woodlands, TX.
1. Eat What You Want
You may be hosting a graduation party for someone. You could be attending a backyard cookout or a family reunion. Maybe you just want to try some new dining spots. Wherever you go, you should be able to eat the foods that you want to eat.
A toothache or tooth infection, broken teeth, or missing teeth could make that difficult. When it hurts to chew, you may not want to bite down on certain foods. When you are missing teeth, you may have trouble chewing for other reasons.
Through our restorative dentistry, you can treat tooth decay with a dental filling or get rid of an infection with a root canal treatment. You can repair damaged teeth with dental crowns or replace lost teeth with a dental bridge.
When your teeth have been repaired, you can feel confident about piling anything you would like on your plate.
2. Keep Playing
Youth sports are popular in our area, and more sports are becoming year-round affairs.
As much as you want to support your children, you also want to look out for their future. Most of them are not going to be professionals in their sport of choice, but you don’t want them to lose their winning smiles.
This is why you should schedule an appointment soon to get custom-made athletic mouthguards for anyone in your family who plays sports. A mouthguard that is made just for your budding sports stars will fit more comfortably and provide better protection against injuries than the mouthguards you can get in stores.
Having a personalized mouthguard also reduces your likelihood of calling us for help to take care of a dental emergency.
3. Don’t Lose Your Smile
Speaking of preventive care, summer is a great time to take care of the basics. You should schedule regular dental cleanings and exams.
Yes, you and your family should still be brushing and flossing daily, but no one does that perfectly every time. During your visits, we can remove any plaque and tartar buildup you may have (which can prevent the toothaches and infections mentioned above). As part of your exam, we’ll also be on the looking for the early stages of tooth decay and gum disease, so you can get treatment before those small problems can turn into something bigger.
We hope to see you this summer. Contact us online or call 281-367-5900 to make your appointment at our family dentist office in The Woodlands, TX.
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